[WS] L / C Guide

Levels & Currency is one of the primary ways in the group to earn LVLs and Dust! Art pieces, crafts & literature pieces all can be redeemed for rewards. All LVLs and Dust will be tracked in your Pokémon’s logs, and the actual values will be updated in your inventory.

Submission totals will be rounded to the nearest whole number for LVLs, and Dust will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 25.

All characters within a digital art submission must be at least 450x450 px. Characters that do not neatly fit in the 450x450 box may be exempt from this rule depending on anatomy and posing.

Please use this guide to determine if your art piece is exempt or not:


<aside> 💡 HOLD ON! Are you struggling to calculate your submission?


Feel free to use this calculator! A massive thank you to LovelyNutmeg for creating this!