Wishing Stars has a total of 13 traits. Traits are unique qualities given to a variety of Pokémon! Each Pokémon may have up to three traits, with up to three different Pokémon in a Hybrid and two Types in an Elemental. All traits can stack together except for Wild, Sphinx and Ragdoll. If a trait is added to a Wild Pokémon, it will only gain the new trait. Sphinx and Ragdoll are mutually exclusive.

Certain Pokémon and attributes are not as restricted to colors, traits or forms. Hair, eyes and fire can be any color and multicolored. Characters may have prosthetics, missing limbs, scars, etc. without the need of a trait.

Once a design has been approved, submitted, and linked in your inventory, you may not change, add or remove any colors/markings. You must either purchase a package at the Beauty Salon or apply a trait altering item, then submit the design for reapproval. If your Pokémon's profile has not been updated with a link to their information you may edit and resubmit the design for approval.



Wild Pokémon are very similar to their canon appearance. They can have slight variations in color and minor details, such as a few stripes, spots or tufts of fur. The additional markings may not take up more than 25% of the design.



Shiny Pokémon can be any color that differs from their canonical appearance. They can have slight variations in color and minor details, such as a few stripes, spots or tufts of fur. The additional markings may not take up more than 25% of the design.



Mutant Pokémon are adjacent to their canon appearance. They have major variations in markings and can be covered in stripes, spots and other patterns in a variety of different colors. Pokémon with this trait still have their base color coat and cannot be drawn without it—unless another color-changing trait is applied. The “base color” of a Pokémon is whatever color predominantly takes up the design. The additional markings may not take up more than 90% of the design.



Ragdoll Pokémon possess an excessive amount of fur. Pokémon that normally have no fur at all will now sport some amount of fur.

Ragdoll Pokémon cannot be combined with Sphinx.



Sphinx Pokémon have no fur or are missing patches of fur (such as an Eevee lacking its mane) or sleek fur. In some cases, Pokémon who are already hairless lose certain attributes (such as a Bulbasaur losing its bulb).

Sphinx Pokémon cannot be combined with Ragdoll.



Regal Pokémon have antlers, spikes, horns, or other keratinous growths such as scales and hooves. These can come in any variety of colors and/or patterns.



Flutterby Pokémon have wings, ranging from one to several pairs. These can be any kind of wings and do not have a defined appearance or restrictions. Flutterby Pokémon may also have other forms of plumage. A Pokémon that already has wings may have its wing type altered, or may gain an additional pair of wings. Flutterby Pokémon may optionally gain the Flying-type.



Multi Pokémon have several more appendages than normal. This includes a wide variety of parts, such as eyes, heads, ears, legs, tails and wings. Pokémon that do not typically have certain appendages may gain them through this trait.



Domestic Pokémon display a body shape, appendages, or limbs that slightly differ from their canonical appearance. For example: a Houndour may sport the body shape of a corgi or a Delcatty may have a big bushy cat tail. A Domestic Pokémon will always be recognizable as its canon appearance.

Pokémon may be drawn anthropomorphic or quadrupedal without the need of the Domestic trait—however, there are stipulations. For more information:

[WS] Frequently Asked



Hybrid Pokémon are a fusion of 2-3 Pokémon. For example, a Vulpix/Houndour hybrid may have the body of a Vulpix, but the skull and coloration of a Houndour.

Hybrid Pokémon can also be a fusion of their pre-evolved and evolved forms. For example, a Vulpix/Ninetales hybrid may appear as a small, nine tailed and cream colored Vulpix.

This does not naturally occur, and must be completed with the assistance of items.



Elemental Pokémon display a different type than their canonical appearance. For example: a Mew that is Elemental (Dragon) may grow horns/wings/spikes as well as gain scales or a reptilian tail. Elemental Pokémon may have up to two types and can retain their original typing in addition to typing they’ve gained.

Elemental Pokémon with the same typing are referred to as Elemental+. This trait emphasizes and enhances the typing—an Elemental (Electric+) Pichu could gain an electric aura or spikier fur.

A list of ideas can be found under “Traits”:



Toybox Pokémon are Pokémon that are made up partly or entirely out of fabric, glass, metal, plastic or otherwise. Toybox Pokémon come in many shapes, colors and sizes but always are recognizable as the species they are.



Snack Pokémon display attributes from a variety of different foods. A Snack Pokémon may appear to be one specific food (such as a cheeseburger) or can be a mixture of multiple foods (such as strawberries and chocolate).

<aside> ⭐ All images were made by grimoire!
